Friday 1 November 2013

The First Time (M/M-autobiographical)

I reckon it took me about fifteen years to work out my kink. From bending down for a schoolmaster to bending down for pleasure, however obliquely, took me through all my teens and most of my twenties. I knew the scenario of having my bottom whacked appealed. School memories were seared on my fertile brain almost as much as the marks that had regularly registered on my young backside. That age of classroom discipline inevitably set me on a course that even the swinging sixties could not deny. But it took a long time. I was approaching thirty before I, finally, took the initial plunge into a world of CP pleasure. The urge had nagged at me for a long time. Articles in newspapers and magazines that referred to someone getting a caning or a spanking produced the inevitable, hormone induced, reaction. They turned me on. I couldn’t talk about it but I couldn’t ignore it. I wanted that recreation of schoolboy events. I wanted a dominant male, preferably schoolmasterish, to cane my bottom. And I wanted him, whoever he was, to take down my trousers and underpants and give it me on my bare backside. Pure fantasy of course. It could never happen. Until one day, in Gay News, I saw an advert which suggested possibilities.

An organisation calling itself Icebreakers, still going apparently but in a different form, offered help and support to men having difficulty with their sexuality. I thought mine was as rare as hen’s teeth but a nice young man soon put me right on that. I would be amazed, he said disarmingly, at how many men have the same urges. I was not unique and I wasn’t abnormal. The organisation didn’t just offer advice. In those non internet days they offered practical and desperately desired solutions. In an age devoid of mouse clicking for instant gratification such help was eagerly welcomed. In short, the nice young man arranged an introduction to a likeminded older gentleman. My telephone conversation had taken little more than ten minutes and, at its end, I had a contact number for a man who was willing to fulfil what I urgently wanted. A man, somewhere in London, who was willing to cane my bottom. Clothed and bare. After a fifteen year wait, a wait filling with increasing desire and frustration, my constant fantasy would be realised. I almost fainted.

All this took place nearly forty years ago and that older gentleman who re-introduced me to corporal punishment, and augmented its pleasures, has long since passed on. But over the years until his death we became firm friends and even though CP rarely figured in later years he took great delight in reminding me, and others, on how we first met. A trembling twenty something boy who turned up at my flat, one day, to be caned. And how he howled. That is how he put it and, as I blushed, he would release a throaty and infectious laugh. I joined in but without his enthusiasm. It was a private memory and it was reflected in the twinkle of his ageing eyes. He knew I had not forgotten it. And I never would.

I rang the door of his spacious and expensive flat in a state of high agitation. The flat was in an upmarket location of London that was alien to my humble beginnings. Nervousness was twofold. Where I was and what I was there for. That agitation jumped to another level when, having pressed the intercom, a rich and fruity voice bid me to come in. Come in boy, it said, you are late. I wasn’t, or only by a couple of minutes, but it set the tone for what was to follow. As I walked up the carpeted stairs, this block of flats was definitely top drawer, I remember thinking that I must be mad. I hadn’t been caned for nearly fifteen years and yet here I was for its overdue recreation. From a stranger. And if he didn’t take my pants down at some stage I knew I would be disappointed. It was a highly sweating twenty something going on thirty who entered his open door.

I needn’t have worried. He was everything I had hoped. Stern but friendly. He both put me at my ease and increased my agitation. I was in safe hands, even if my bottom wasn’t. He made that clear. Change into shorts and top, he said, no underpants. I shall deal with you straight away and then we can chat. Over tea. I said little. I was both scared and excited. Especially when he said that he intended to give me a proper caning. No point in pussyfooting he said. Best to find out if you are really into it. You have waited long enough. Six on shorts, six bare. I suggest you get ready. Then he left the room. I had brought shorts and a top with me. Both pure white, I had a fixation with white in those days. The shorts were fairly thick but small and tight. They enhanced my bottom in a pleasing fashion. It had taken me ages to get the right pair, especially bought for this occasion. I was trembling as I changed. I was going to be caned. First time in fifteen years. A hard caning, and the second six would be on my bare backside. I feared I would not be able to take it, that I would disgrace myself. But I so desperately wanted it. I wanted what this upper class gentleman of fifty odd years was willing to do.

He had a genuine black leather horse. An indication that he was a serious player at corporal punishment. This seemed to help. I was in the hands of a professional. Or that is what I told myself as I bent over it. He had come back and the cane in his hand was worthy of all my fantasies. Long and thick and gleaming brown. Genuine public school cane, he said, and smiled. It’ll sting more than those they used on you grammar school boys. Nice bottom, he said when I bent over and gripped the end of the leather horse, even if those shorts are a little thick. I closed my eyes. This was it. I was bending over with my bottom in the air and finally, after fifteen years of waiting, a cane was going to hit it. In reality. Not fantasy. My schoolboy experiences would, at last, be relived. And they were. Excruciatingly. The pain was enormous from the first stroke. I gasped. Was this what it was like at school? Could I take two or three, let alone six? Did I want this agonising burning in my bum?  I did, gripping even harder that horse as each stroke lashed across my bottom cheeks. All six of them. The fire spread through my backside and tears welled in my eyes but I took them all. And after the final stinging pain, I relaxed. I had survived. I had not cried off. I had been caned on my bottom, as at school, and the familiar warming and pleasing throb told me it had all been worthwhile. I was fifteen again. Fifteen years old with a smarting behind. That is what it seemed. But this was different from school; this was a willing boy and a man desirous of inflicting pain. To nature’s natural part. And now those shorts came down. And off. Legs and bottom and private parts, all exposed and vulnerable. This man meant business.

The joy at having nether clothes removed for bare bottom discipline cannot be explained to those who do not understand. The surge of electricity that envelops the whole being cannot be surpassed by any other experience. Exposure, humiliation, freedom, anticipation. All combine to make the naked cheeks twitch in fear and wanting. You are at your most submissive, all of you laid bare for your chastiser. It is a heavenly moment, enhanced if rough and manly hands explore your curves. It is fantasy writ large. In those minutes and seconds you desire to be nowhere else, to be in no other situation. Your twitching behind eagerly awaits the savage kiss of a fearful and vengeful rod. It is to be savoured. And if I screamed when his cane lashed into my bare flesh, I am sure I did, no amount of pain could deny that preliminary sensation. It is a pure and beautiful pause that is never expunged. Whatever the pain. And pain, searing, there was. The second six strokes of his cane scored my flesh and each registered a vicious sting that induced copious tears. As fire swiftly travelled from buttocks to brain I both prayed I would survive and knew I would. Each thwack to my naked backside produced a breathless gasp but each was painfully welcomed. I wanted it. I deserved it. That is what I told myself. And when the last stroke of the cane whacked across the centre of my cheeks, all had been delivered fairly rapidly, I jumped up and ran around the room. Clutching my behind in classic schoolboy style. But I had taken all my punishment. A few tears, a few gasps, and lots of vigorous rubbing. But I had earned my tea. Wearing only my top, I had no desire to cover myself, we sipped the promised tea and discussed my experience. Or at least he did. A continuous throbbing bottom spoke much more eloquently than me.

No future CP experience from that late gentleman ever reached the levels of that first caning. It couldn’t. When I bent over for the first time in his palatial flat I had not suffered corporal discipline for fifteen years. The mind was uncluttered and the bottom virgin pure on that momentous day. I was an old hand when he took my shorts down for an overdue repeat. But I shall always have good memories of that first time. Memories of underpants sticking to my skin on the long train journey home. Initial shock, followed by mesmerising fascination, when I inspected my lacerated bottom in a mirror. Twelve hard cane strokes on a virgin bottom, six in a bare state, does not leave a pretty sight. Nasty and livid purple weals across my behind, mixed with small traces of blood, told their own story. I vowed never to go back to him again. But within a week, as all gently healed, I knew that I would. The first time is always the best, or the worst, but it does not stop those of this ilk constantly trying to recreate it. It was when I bent over for that gentleman the second time, pants adrift and cane hovering, that I knew I was hooked. Forever.